Coronavirus Guide for Businesses and Families

Are You a Manager, HR, or Business Owner? Start Here
Funding and financial resources, business planning templates, layoff guidebooks, employee communication and support, management consultations, and how to stay connected as a team
Mental Health, Coping Strategies, and Support
How to fight the social isolation of Coronavirus, tips and articles for families and workplaces, and resources for wellbeing and resiliency
Personal and Family Resources
Families are facing unprecedented stressors and a new way of managing home life. Links to financial resource packages, help after a layoff, how to talk to kids about the virus, childcare help, and cool home activities!
Contact Us
We want to see you: our HIPAA-compliant
tele-counseling means you can still hold EAP sessions with our local clinicians.
1-866-660-9533 for appointments, resources, and support
Critical incident debriefings will also be provided via video teleconferencing.
Information in multiple languages
Information on face coverings for children in multiple languages
Videos: Information on COVID-19 (community resource created by the Spectrum Multicultural Youth Program, Howard Center, and other Burlington community members)
in Arabic | Dinka | English | French | Lingala | Nepali | Somali | Spanish
What You Need to Know About Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
in Arabic | Burmese | Chinese | English | French | Kirundi | Nepali | Somali | Spanish | Swahili | Vietnamese
Tips to Help Keep Illness from Spreading
in Arabic | Burmese | Chinese | English | French | Kirundi | Nepali | Somali | Spanish | Swahili | Vietnamese
Translations in Simplified Chinese from CDC:
Symptoms 症状
Prevention & Treatment 预防与治疗
Preventing 2019-nCoV from Spreading to Homes and Communities 预防 2019 年新型冠状病毒 (2019-nCoV) 传播给家庭和社区中其他人的暂行指南
Travel Health Alert Notice 健康预警:来自中国的旅客请注意