Employees and Loved Ones in Recovery
There are thousands of Vermonters workers that are currently in long-term recovery or continuing to improve their mental health.
We may see the nature of their work shift drastically: "social distancing," working from home, and perhaps even under quarantine. Here are some ideas and resources as you continue recovery and strength!
Recovery Vermont has some free, meaningful, and really fun resources for folks in recovery, their family members, and their allies.
They also recommend a variety of online support groups, found in this articleSMART Recovery is a sober community that has online resources and meetings. Their philosophy is largely using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to change behaviors and habits.
Find a buddy who will check in with you via phone or video daily, whether it's a sponsor, online friend, or trusted family member.
Spend some time outside, even if it's just a few minutes of fresh air on the front steps.
Try a new element in your recovery plan. Have you been thinking about journaling as an aid to wellness? Starting yoga? Getting crafty? Now is the time!